Have you considered how writing progresses across your Key Stage, School or Teaching Alliance? Would you like the opportunity for your entire staff to be able to discuss assessment in writing using the same starting point?

We offer Whole School Writing Days which involve the Time Capsule Education team coming to school to work with ALL of your children. You could use one of these days just to celebrate stories and writing (World Book Day) or you could use it for so much more. WSWDs are an excellent stimulus for both KS1 & 2, and provide every pupil with the same writing task to complete, enabling you to moderate their writing right across the school or even a whole cluster, federation or academy.

A Whole School Writing Day includes interactive sessions looking closely at the genre, exploring the day’s theme and setting all the children up to write the following day. All the children have the same task to write, which can then be marked, assessed and used by your school in any way you see fit to improve your teaching and assessment of writing.

The children usually work with our team a year group at a time. When not with us, we also provide a variety of activities for your teachers to use with their classes so you can theme a whole day around our visit. Some schools take the opportunity to have a themed dressing up day to give it that extra special feel.

We can provide both Fiction and Non-Fiction Whole School Writing Days, which means a school can introduce a rolling programme of annual writing assessment, helping to track progression and allowing staff to develop a comprehensive understanding of writing standards in your school. Clusters of schools and Multi Academy Trusts are finding that they can use now these days as an excellent way to promote cooperation between schools and for moderation and training exercises across all of their schools.
Currently we provide:
- Pirates Whole School Writing – Learn about Life during the Golden Age of Piracy and write a sword fight story extract.
- Dragons Whole School Writing – Learn about a variety of dragons, their habits and habitats and write an information text about them.
- Robin Hood Whole School Writing – Find out the truth behind the stories of Robin Hood, the Longbow, swords and castles. Then write the short story Maid Marian Saves the day.
- Fairy Tales Whole School Writing Day – Explore the origins of many traditional tales, some of the original endings, join in retelling a story or two. Then write or twist Rumpelstiltskin.

Thank you so so much for a really fabulous day! The children and staff really enjoyed it and the children’s writing reflected it! They did really well so thanks again! I’m sure we’ll see you again!
Janet Roberts – Yardley Primary School, Chingford